Protective lead garments india

Protective Lead Garments

X- RAY PROTECTION LEAD GARMENTS ASCO offers a highly acceptable level of protection, with a lead-equivalency of 0.35mmand 0.50mm, at considerably less weight than other lead garments available in market.


• ASCO offers a highly acceptable level of protection, with a lead-equivalency of 0.35mmand 0.50mm, at considerably less weight than other lead garments available in market.

• X-ray Lead garments allows freedom of movement, maximum flexibility, and optimal comfort, while still providing the utmost in proven radiation protection, fully adjustable X-ray protective thyroid collar fit comfortably and protects large area.

• X-ray Lead garments allow radiologists, X-ray technicians, and other professionals to get through even the most demanding shifts without putting unnecessary stress on their feet, ankles, knees, and backs.

• Protection Lead garments with Hook and Loop Closures is a great option for those who don’t turn their back to the source of x-rays and need a lightweight.

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